Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Riding my Bike in January

Today is Wednesday January 29 2025 and last weekend i rode my bike on Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday i rode outside. It was cold. i was less then enthused to be riding. But sometimes that's how it goes.

On Sunday i rode the indoor trainer for 30 minutes while watching a movie, can you guess what movie?

After getting pretty fit towards the end of 2024 i'm looking to take it to the next level in 2025 but i'm trying to do it right. My big cycling goals are at the end of the year so i want so spend a few months working on strength training and all the other blah blah blah stuff a smart person would do if they were a 44 year old dad with a full time job who wanted to be fast on a bicycle and had 12 months to make it happen.

So we'll see how that goes.

Can you guess this movie...

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Last ride of 2024

Today is Thursday January 2 2025 but two days on the 31st of December i did a bike ride. 

I attempted to break my pr on the timed loop i like to ride, i was unsuccessful.

I took the mountain bike, mainly because the road bike is still chained up to the trainer in the basement (plus the seat post is fused in a position a little high for me), the cx bike has a flat tire, and the single speed is hard on my body and i need to do some serious off bike exercise before i can realistically ride it regularly.

So i grabbed the mountain bike and a ton of cold weather gear, because it was cold, and gave it a go.

This route is close to my house and goes thru nice neighborhoods on fun curvy and hilly roads. It also has lots of stop signs and road crossings. I time it in real time, meaning however long it takes me to cross a particular street is included in the time. 

On this ride i needed to break 35:30 but i could only muster 36:52. 

Oh well.

It was a good ride.

I have ambitious bicycle goals for 2025 and setting a pr on this route is on the list.