Today is Thursday March 13 2025 and last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday i rode my bike.
All three days were on the road bike.
On Saturday i did about an hour 45 down to Union Station and back. I've always liked riding downtown and on Main Street specifically. Heading north on Main Street between Linwood and Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd is particularly fun. There used to be a bus lane that made cycling a little easier (less cars in the bus lane) but now they are expanding the street car so its gone from a bus lane to a street car lane. PSA don't get your skinny road bike tires stuck in the Street car ruts like i did. It happened twice and both times is scared the bejesus out of me but it was the back wheel so i was able to ride out of it pretty easily. I knew the rut was there and was hopping over it but my execution was poor, the past several years i've been doing that maneuver on a cx or mountain bike so the there was more room for error.
But i like the challenge of riding a skinny tire bike over sketchy conditions.
Main Street is my Kessel Run.
Sundays ride was un eventful.
Monday i randomly had a small window and rode for 30 minutes. No zero days! Just kidding, lately i've had a lot of zero days.
p.s. i watched Strada Bianchi on tv, it was pretty great.
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