Sunday, October 24, 2010

Smithville Cross Race, the real story

Hey Everybody,

Guess what? i rode my bike today... at a cross race. What else did you expect?

So this week's race was the Smithville CX Challenge. I did this race last year, loved it, and it was the same story this year. What's not to like, beautiful venue, great course with a beach section, a steep run up section, a dollar tree, fun whoope-de-doo half pipe section, free food and coffee.


Sure, the vibe was temporarily tainted when i had a close encounter with an a-hole in the 3/4 race, but that ended before it even began and i imagine he moved onward in an attempt to kill someone else's buzz. He was a roaming buzz kill with heat seeking capabilities, try to stay out of his sights.

Luckily X had no such encounter, she raced well and even won some prizes (indluding $7 from the dollar tree... who the heck put a 5 spot up there?) but once again she fell victim to the Preying Mantis. Maybe next time.

*A quick note... a few readers thought that it should have been the Pr 'a' ying Mantis... but this Mantis is very spiritual.

As for myself... for the first time at a cross race i doubled up, which for you layman's out there means i did two races. 3/4 was first, i finished mid pack. Sure that may not sound exciting, but it was a blast. The race was punctuated by the great battle i had with cp from Local Cycling. We were back and forth the whole time. i would bobble and he would pass me, he would bobble and i would pass him, is was fun. Racing is much more engaging when your competition is right on top of you instead of 15 seconds up the road. 2/3 was next, and according to the results i finished last... but i swear i passed at least two people. Either way i felt good during the race and am encouraged for my main goal in a few weeks time... riding really fast in front of random strangers on the street.

i love that. Make's me feel cool.

Anyway, the rest of the team did great, Some top ten's, a little up-chucking, and even a win!




  1. You probably passed some open racers, or you passed some 2/3 riders and then they quit later for a dnf.
