Thursday, October 28, 2010

Swayze Cross... gone but not forgotten

Hey Everybody,

Another year of Swayze Cross is in the books.

Sure the Russians didn't invade, nobody fondled Demi Moore while sitting at a pottery wheel, we didn't do the tango in the catskills, there was no epic throw-down between bouncers and townies or Greasers and Soc's, and we never caught the ultimate wave.

But there was some white hot cross racin!

I loved seeing all the faces, old and new, who appreciated the Swayze and were down with some guerilla style, not necessarily well organized but certainly full of heart, cross racing. Thanks to everyone who made it out. We will never forget you Patrick Swayze!

See y'all next year.


1 comment:


    Video from the last race.
